
Local wisdom values of merti desa: resource for learning social studies in Boja Village, Kendal

Gilang Agriawan, Masrukhi Masrukhi, Thriwaty Arsal

84-92 |

The Importance of Cared for Diversity through Multicultural Education at School Medan

Argitha Aricindy, Wasino Wasino, Hamdan Tri Atmaja

93-100 |

Tuk Sikopyah Water Taking Ritual to Revitalize Local Wisdom in Anticipating Drought in Serang Village

Tuti Supriyanti Asofi, Eva Banowati, Rahma Hayati

101-109 |

The Impacts of Korean Wave on Gusjigang Philosophy in Kudus Regency

Fitrotul Fajrin, Cahyo Budi Utomo, moh Yasir Alimi

110-118 |

Integration of Gender Equality Values Through Innovative Development of Interactive E-Modules in Social Studies Subject

Taqwa Ridlo Utama, Suyahmo Suyahmo, Arif Purnomo

119-127 |

Inheritance Cultural Values of Local Wisdom Obong Ritual to the Young Generation in Kendal Regency

Siti Arafah, Hamdan Tri Atmaja, Thriwaty Arsal

128-136 |

Tobacco Marketing Conflict between Farmers and Middlemen in Palongan Village, Bluto District, Sumenep Regency

Bani Shadiqin, Sucihatiningsih D. W. P., Maman Rachman

137-145 |