Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran IPS di SMK Bina Nusantara, (2) untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran IPS berbasis multikultural, (3) untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran IPS berbasis multikultural terhadap minat dan motivasi belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran IPS berbasis multikultural dengan bantuan media CD interaktif. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D). adapun tahapan penelitian selengkapnya adalah: (1) melakukan penelitian pendahuluan atau studi eksplorasi untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat tentang pelaksanaan pembelajaran IPS, (2) pengembangan rancangan (desain) model pembelajaran IPS berbasis multikultural, (3) validasi desain model, (4) revisi desain model, (5) pelaksanaan uji coba model disertai dengan melakukan pengamatan, (6) analisis hasil uji coba model, (7) perbaikan model pembelajaran IPS berbasis multikultural. Hasil penelitian dan analisis data dapat diketahui bahwa: (1) pembelajaran IPS di SMK Bina Nusantara belum dapat dilaksanakan secara efektif, (2) model pembelajaran IPS berbasis multikultural dapat meningkatkan minat dan motivasi belajar siswa, dan (3) model pembelajaran IPS berbasis multikultural berpengaruh positif terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Model pembelajaran IPS berbasis multikultural dengan bantuan CD interaktif perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut karena dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran IPS pada jenjang sekolah menengah. Para guru seyogyanya mengembangkan model pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan materi, tujuan, maupun potensi peserta didik.
The purposes of this research are (1) to know what learning process that applied in Bina Nusantara Vocational School today, (2) to create a learning process that suitable with multicultural knowledge social learning. (3) to know the influence of the application of sosial learning model based on multicultural knowledge with interactive CD toward interest and motivation of student. The result of this research is interactive learning, media which is packed in CD to build multicultural knowledge. Howefer, the proses of this research are (1) gong prileminari research. (2) gathering data, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design revisition, (6) produk try out, (7) assessment. Learning model is considered feasible based on feasibility test on the learning model with total percentage of 99% , feasibility test on the learning media with total percentage of 91%, furthermore feasibility test on the material media which total percentage of 90%. The result application of social learning model based on multicultural knowledge can be seen from questioner presentage and the study result. The learning proses result is in creasing from 67% to 74%, student’s interest questioner is raising from 59% to 65%. The result of student’s motivation in study also increasing from 59% to 77%, where as from the learning result, student’s learning result from the experimental group is better than the result on student’s experimental group is 77,66 and from the control group is 73,62. the suggestions such as (1) Further development should be added more animations either text, pictures, video and sound more interesting. So is voting more attractive, customized to the look and material. (2) Interactive Problem more student interaction with the media so it can take place either in accordance with the purpose of learning. (3) In the subsequent development of attempted use of existing classroom facilities cover the light, so that the display media presentation will be clearer.