Pembelajaran konsep Geografi di kelas X Semester 1 SMA Nasima tahun 2013-2014menunjukkan adanya hambatan berupa rendahnya minat siswa terhadap pembelajaran.Materi ini tingkat kesulitannya tinggi, serta bahan ajar kurang mendukung.Pemilihan bahan ajar cerita legenda memiliki alasan (1) desainnya menarik; (2)berisi nilai karakter Indonesia sesuai visi misi SMA Nasima; (3) merupakan latarsuatu tempat, yang merupakan ruang lingkup Geografi yang dapat dikaji dengankonsep esensial Geografi. Bahan ajar diwujudkan dalam bentuk buku Nonteks Pelajaran/buku suplemen/ pendamping yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan aktivitasbelajar siswa dalam pembelajaran. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan metodepenelitian pengembangan dengan tehnik analisis SPSS Uji T dua sampel berpasangan.Efektifitas penggunaan bahan ajar terhadap peningkatan aktivitas siswadalam belajar penguasaan konsep esensial geografi dengan membandingkan datahasil belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah memakai bahan ajar tersebut. Hasil penelitianmengatakan pada kelompok eksperimen terbukti efektif yaitu Ha diterima, adaperbedaan nilai sebelum dengan sesudah perlakuan. Hasil uji T ini didukung olehhasil pengamatan sikap dengan nilai rata – rata baik pada semua aspek sikap yangdiamati. Namun ada korelasi yang tidak signifikan sebesar 0,175 karena selisih nilaiyang rendah antara sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan.
Learning concept of Geography in Semester 1 class X SMA Nasima 2013-2014 showed somebarriers in the form of students’ low interest towards learning. This material was categorizedas a high degree of difficulty, and the teaching materials was less supportive. There weremany reasons of selecting the teaching materials of legends; (1) it had attractive design; (2) itcontained the value of the Indonesia character according to the vision and mission of NasimaHigh School; (3) it had background of some places, in which the Geography scope could bestudied with Geography essential concepts. Instructional materials embodied in a book formNon-text Lessons/additional book/companion which were used to improve students’ learningin learning activity. The research approach used in this study was research and developmentwith SPSS analysis techniques paired two-sample T-test. The effectiveness of using the teachingmaterials to increase students’ activity in mastering the essential concepts of Geographyby comparing the data of students’ learning outcomes, before and after using the instructionalmaterials. The result of the research showed that the instructional materials was effective inthe experimental group; Ha (hyphothesis active) is working, and there were some differencesof scores before and after the treatment. The T-test result was supported by the observation ofattitude with the average score was good in all aspects of the observed behavior. However, thereis no significant correlation 0.175 for the difference low score, before and after the streatment