Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review 2024-01-22T21:10:53+07:00 Asyaffa Ridzqi Amanda [email protected] Open Journal Systems <div><strong>Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review starting in 2024 migrates from OJS 2 to OJS 3 to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on.</strong></div> <div><strong>&nbsp;<em>To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></em></strong></div> <div><strong>MIGRATION OFFICIAL STATEMENT&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></strong></div> <p style="text-align: justify;">The <em>Semarang State Undergraduate Law and Society Review</em>, originating from the vibrant Socio-Legal Studies community at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, represents a distinctive platform for interdisciplinary exploration. This journal stands out on the international academic stage by fostering a diverse and inclusive approach, addressing issues from various legal cultures while embracing theoretical concerns of cross-cultural significance. What sets this publication apart is its dedication to cultivating a broad international readership. By encouraging contributions that traverse borders and legal traditions, the journal serves as a nexus for global scholarly exchange. The inclusion of a highly regarded Book and Movie Review section enhances its unique standing within the broader legal studies context, providing a multifaceted perspective that extends beyond conventional academic discourse.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Challenging, authoritative, and timely, the <em>Semarang State Undergraduate Law and Society Review</em> caters not only to legal researchers and practitioners but also beckons sociologists, criminologists, and other social scientists. This journal acts as a reservoir for contemporary legal research, employing a multidisciplinary lens to explore various facets of the legal landscape. It serves as a peer-reviewed forum, presenting articles and notes that contribute to the understanding of the intricate relationship between society and the legal process.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">With a commitment to inclusivity, the journal welcomes submissions from any scholarly tradition concerned with the cultural, economic, political, psychological, or social dimensions of law and legal systems. Its broad interdisciplinary scope encompasses not only Indonesia and Southeast Asia but extends to a wider global context, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the complex interplay between law and society on an international scale. As an integral part of international academia, the <em>Semarang State Undergraduate Law and Society Review</em> is positioned at the forefront of advancing cross-cultural dialogue and understanding within the legal field.</p> Dynamics of Law Enforcement and Justice in the Era of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5.0 2024-01-22T21:02:50+07:00 Kris Novi Handiyani [email protected] <p><em>Penegakan hukum adalah proses dilakukannya upaya untuk tegaknya atau berfungsinya norma-norma hukum secara nyata sebagai pedoman perilaku dalam lalu lintas atau hubungan-hubungan hukum dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Ditinjau dari sudut subjeknya, penegakan hukum itu dapat dilakukan oleh subjek yang luas dan dapat pula diartikan sebagai upaya penegakan hukum oleh subjek dalam arti yang terbatas atau sempit.&nbsp;</em><em>Esensi dalam penegakan hukum adalah keadilan. Keadilan itu sendiri mempunyai berbagai macam makna, tergantung dari perspektifnya. Di negara mana pun sering timbul berbagai masalah, terkait penegakan keadilan di ranah hukum. Konsep keadilan yang sudah mapan di suatu negara belum tentu baik apabila diterapkan untuk negara lain. Meskipun demikian, dimungkinkan adanya saling pengaruh mempengaruhi atau bersifat integrasi antara pemikiran satu dengan yang lainnya mengenai makna keadilan, terutama yang mempunyai sifat universal.</em></p> <p><em>Pengertian tentang penegakan hukum sudah seharusnya berisi penegakan keadilan itu sendiri, sehingga istilah penegakan hukum dan penegakan keadilan merupakan dua sisi dari mata uang yang sama. Setiap norma hukum sudah dengan sendirinya mengandung ketentuan tentang hak-hak dan kewajiban-kewajiban para subjek hukum dalam lalu lintas hukum.&nbsp;</em><em>Penegakan hukum dan keadilan sejalan dengan tujuan utama SDGs yang dirancang dengan melibatkan seluruh aktor pembangunan, baik itu Pemerintah, Civil Society Organization (CSO), sektor swasta, akademisi, dan sebagainya. Kurang lebih 8,5 juta suara warga di seluruh dunia juga berkontribusi terhadap Tujuan dan Target SDGs. Tidak Meninggalkan Satu Orangpun merupakan Prinsip utama SDGs. Dengan prinsip tersebut setidaknya SDGs harus bisa menjawab dua hal yaitu, Keadilan Prosedural yaitu sejauh mana seluruh pihak terutama yang selama ini tertinggal dapat terlibat dalam keseluruhan proses pembangunan dan Keadilan Subtansial yaitu sejauh mana kebijakan dan program pembangunan dapat atau mampu menjawab persoalan-persoalan warga terutama kelompok tertinggal.</em></p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementation of Gender Equality and Culture of Stigma Against Women in the Employment Sector 2024-01-22T20:59:44+07:00 Dwi Sihol Marito [email protected] <p>Gender is a very influential thing in everyday life. Stigma about women who are inferior to men and stereotypes about men who are seen as weak when they cry. In this increasingly modern era, gender equality is increasingly being fought for to create justice in the world of employment to achieve sustainable development in the Society 5.0 society, therefore in this descriptive qualitative research, an analysis of gender equality in the Indonesian workforce is carried out to become an independent human being.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Correlation between Enforcement of Environmental Law and Sustainable Development Goals in the Era of Society 5.0 2024-01-22T20:59:45+07:00 Maria Ulfa Desvita Purnaningtyas [email protected] <p>Development is the goal of advancing the growth of the Indonesian nation. Development must be based on the principles of sustainable development based on environmental principles. Sustainable development goals. However, implementation development is sometimes a bit slower in the era of society 5.0. By ignoring environmental aspects, the role of environmental criminal law is the legal basis for enforcing the authority exercised on the environment and the basis for criminal prosecution. This paper aims to analyze the correlation between environmental law enforcement and Sustainable development goals in the era of society 5.0. in this case the author uses a qualitative approach, with the data collection technique used is literature study. The results of this study the authors found that the pillars of the SDGs for the realization of environmentally sound development must be supported by political, legal and bureaucratic institutions in realizing equitable development and law enforcement in the era of society 5.0. Law enforcement based on Law 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management which is the result of several changes to the previous law, seems to have been able to provide fair law enforcement to the community and the environment in the era of society 5.0.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Active Role of Indigenous Peoples in Facing Sustainable Development 2024-01-22T21:05:01+07:00 Mujiati Nuur Istiqomah [email protected] <p>The costumary law community play an active role in the economic development process and have a very large share supported by abundant natural wealth spread throughout the archipelago. This considerable potential will be better and can be supported by reliable human resources so that it can help realize the SDGS 5.0 program in the framework of economic development. Empowering indigenous peoples with their local knowledge through local wisdom-based economic development can provide support, use and management of natural resources while maintaining the power of their customary laws, their spiritual abilities and the beliefs they embrace.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Republic of Indonesia's Free and Active Political Policy in International Relations Between Nations 2024-01-22T21:05:04+07:00 Haryanto Haryanto [email protected] <p>Kebijakan politik luar negeri suatu negara merupakan sarana dalam rangka mencapai tujuan-tujuan yang diharapkan demi kepentingan nasional negara tersebut. Begitu pun dengan Indonesia, menjalin kerjasama dalam dunia internasional dan antar negara bukanlah suatu hal yang tabu. Dengan prinsip politik bebas aktif yang menjadi pedoman Indonesia didalam menjelajah belantara dunia internasional yang sarat dengan berbagai kepentingan&nbsp; dan konflik menjadikan Indonesia harus bisa merumuskan kebijakan-kebijakan politik luar negerinya dengan baik tidak hanya terbatas pada kepentingan nasional saja melainkan harus bisa menunjukan kontribusi kepada dunia internasional sehingga nama Indonesia dapat diperhitungkan dalam citanya menjadi negara <em>Middle Power</em>. Garis kebijakan politik luar negeri Indonesia tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pandangan dan ideologi rezim yang berkuasa apakah menggunakan cara diplomasi yang persuasif ataukah yang konfrontatif. Bahkan terhadap prinsip bebas aktif yang sampai saat ini dipegang memiliki interpretasi atau permaknaan yang ambigu apakah bebas aktif yang dimaksud adalah bebas dalam artian bersikap netral dalam konflik internasional antar bangsa, namun tetap aktif memberikan solusi dan sumbangsih dalam meyelesaikan konflik, ataukah bebas aktif dalam konteks bebas untuk memiliki pandangan dan pendirian tersendiri untuk mendukung ataupun tidak mendukung suatu entitas atau negara didalam konflik internasional yang didasarkan landasan dan Batasan konstitusi negara. Menarik nya kedua pemaknaan bebas aktif tersebut pernah diaplikasikan dalam kebijakan politik luar negeri Indonesia.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Human Rights: Facts or Myths in Indonesia Era of Society 5.0 2024-01-22T21:08:26+07:00 Widya Margareth Napitupulu [email protected] <p>In this era of Society 5.0, humans are required to create new values so that they can avoid inequality. Both fraom an economic and social point of view. However, if&nbsp; examined more closely, there is one point that can’t be missed in human attention. That is human rights. Human Rights (HR) is something that is very attached to every human person.Human rights include the right to life and to get justice. Among these rights, there is also the right to be independent which guarantees every human being to be free to do or hane an opinion both behind and in front of the to the development of the times. On the basis of the principle of “lex posterior derogat legi priori”, the old laws no longer apply. However, even though many new laws have been implemented, human rights problems have not stopped and have received significants solutions. Even today, there are still many human rights violations in this country. Using a qualitative method, this article will explain about human rights violations that are very worrying in Indonesia.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Comparison of the Case Development of Serious Human Rights Violations in Indonesia 2024-01-22T21:10:14+07:00 Setyaning Wida Nurul Anggaretno [email protected] <p>As we know that the law is dynamic to follow the development of existing problems in society, as well as human rights over time also undergo changes. The emergence of human rights has existed since Roman and Greek times, but the emergence of laws to support the protection of human rights is still in need of further evaluation, because the dimensions in human rights are closely related to the problems of discrimination, justice, legal certainty, and equality in simplicity before the law. So that the basis of human rights in any country must be regulated in the Constitution of a country. Therefore, it is mandatory for everyone to respect, protect, and even to advance human rights themselves.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Existence of Customary Law in Renewing the National Legal System 2024-01-22T21:10:53+07:00 Nadia Indah Femmithasari [email protected] <p>The renewal of national law in Indonesia is an effort to modernize the law in creating positive law that is in tune with the times. In this reform effort, customary law is considered as a reflection of ancestral values ​​that are very in line with the basic foundations, sources, and materials of national law so that it will be used as a benchmark in the process of reforming the national legal system. This manuscript is the development of the sub-themes, namely indigenous peoples and national law. The focus of the problem that will be raised is how customary law that grows in the community can become the main basis in efforts to reform the national legal system in Indonesia. It is important to recognize the values ​​that live in society as customary law in the renewal of the national legal system which is a demand and need to fulfill the national ideals of the Indonesian nation.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##